Flowers and Friends


“Nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small it takes time - we haven’t time - and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.”

-Georgia O’Keefe

Thistle (detail) 8x10” oil on panel ©2023 Susan McDonnell

I recently spent some time painting the thistle above. There are tiny flowers within the flower and the color transitions between blue, violet and green are a marvel of nature. It’s a wildly complex and simple flower, like most of us.

I’ve always loved thistles and now that I’ve really spent time looking at one, the next time I see one I will see it as a dear friend, remembering our time together. Because of my familiarity I’ll see new things about it I didn’t see before.

This thistle was given to me by my sister, my dear friend. A friend I’ve known my whole life and who I’m always getting to know and see better.

April 25, 2023